

Saturday, December 5, 2015

3 microwave mug cakes

As a busy person with a busy social life, I usually don't have the time or patience to bake or make delicious desserts. Therefore, i'll be sharing with you one of my personal favorite recipe that fits in my busy schedule perfectly. These 3 mug cakes will only take 4 minutes of your time. Click here to watch the full recipe on YouTube. If you have any questions regarding any recipe that you would like to ask me, you can email me and I will be more than happy to reply back.

Oreo Truffles


What is better than irresistible chewy no-bake Oreo truffles? Nothing. Oreo's are one of the most unique biscuits that most people admire, so I have decided to share with you a recipe I really love. It takes less than 5 minutes and the best part about this recipe is that it's easy, simple and only requires 3 ingredients. If you are interested in making this recipe, than I suggest you watch my video by clicking here, it would mean a lot if you would participate in this survey, so I could know what you guys want for the upcoming recipes!

    Cinnamon rolls


Hello bakers, in this tutorial I’ll be sharing with you my personal favorite cinnamon rolls recipe. I believe you'll enjoy this technique as much as I do, since it will not require any machine for the dough part or any other time consuming process, and the results always come out incredible! I will be making BIG and PUFFY cinnamon rolls. I hope you share this recipe with your loved ones and they become some of your favorites as much as they are mine! For the full recipe click here to start baking!